Summer Safari- Wednesday October 3

Hi Runners,

I hope you all enjoyed running the Grand Rapids Preview Run on Saturday. I always find it comforting to have run part of a race course before the race so I know what to expect.

It is all about the taper of marathon training from here to race day. Tapering can be a hard for many runners. You are running less, but your body is trying to fully recover. Tapering can be mentally hard as well. Check out the marathon taper section of the Digital Note book to read more on tapering.

Wednesday October 3– Meet at Holland East k-7th Track, 5:45pm

6 Yassos

Upcoming Events

October 4- Lole Yoga Meet Up, 6pm Join us for a yoga class suited to all levels. Enjoy yoga followed by refreshments, prizes and personalized wardrobe shopping afterwards. All Lole appeal will be 20% after yoga class.

I’ll See you out there running!


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