Summer Safari- Saturday October, 6

Hi Runners,

We escaped yet another track workout without rain! In the coming weeks we will be increasing the number of Yassos each week.

Good luck to everyone running Chicago Marathon this weekend! Have fun and enjoy the experience. Get lots of rest in the coming days and take it easy on the legs once you arrive in Chicago. Don’t do too much walking around the city before the big race! Share photos and stories on Facebook, we are all want to hear about your race.

I have been given one FREE entry to the Grand Rapids Marathon or Half Marathon for one Summer Safari participant to win. To be put into the drawing to win the entry,  leave a comment on this blog post telling me what you are most proud of this training season by Monday morning at 8am. Have you increased your speed? Did you run an awesome race? Have you accomplished a goal? Tell me all about it. I’ll be drawing a winner on Monday morning.

Saturday October, 6- 184 East 7th St.

We will be meeting at my house (184 East 7th St., Holland 49423) and having brunch after the run. Bring warm clothes to change into after the run, as we will be hanging out outside for brunch.


Upcoming Events

TONIGHT- Lole Yoga Meet Up, 6pm Join us for a yoga class suited to all levels. Enjoy yoga followed by refreshments, prizes and personalized wardrobe shopping afterwards. All Lole appeal will be 20% after yoga class.

I’ll See you out there running!


3 thoughts on “Summer Safari- Saturday October, 6

  1. Well, it’s been a hard season with back problems and setbacks. But I am proud that I stuck it out and am still running. I think I’ll be back even stronger since some pack issues got resolved that should make me stronger once I get used to my new ‘form’. I don’t have the miles under my belt for the full marathon and am still a bit too shakey, but can run a half no problem, if I win an entry 😉

  2. There have been a lot of things that have been great about this running season. I have loved leading the team and had so much fun getting to know new friends and see old ones. I am most proud of running a 1/2 marathon pregnant. Despite being tired & not always feeling 100%, I logged the miles necessary to complete the distance. Running with the group certainly kept me motivated. I would love to win an entry to the GR 1/2, but would also be thrilled for anyone who is able to run it. Everyone in the group has worked hard this season & deserves it!

  3. Hi Allison,
    Where do I begin?!? I am so thrilled & proud of myself that I was able to run my first half marathon & I am quite sure that I could never have done it without you & the rest of the Summer Safari gang!!! I accomplished something that I had wanted to do for years but honestly thought would never happen. I found out that ( with help from my friends) I am way stronger than I thought I was! I would LOVE to win the free entry to the GR half marathon! If I win I’m going to have to get some serious miles in between now & then. When will the lucky winner find out?

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