Summer Safari- Wednesday October 10

Hi Runners,

Congratulations to everyone who ran the Chicago Marathon yesterday! It was perfect marathon running weather. I have enjoyed reading everyone’s post on the Facebook page and look forward to hearing the stories in person.

Thank you to the runners who left comments about their running achievements and proudest moments this summer. The winner of the Grand Rapids Marathon entry is Sheri.

Wednesday October 10– Holland East k-7th Track, 5:45pm


1 Mile warm-up

Beginner: 2x 1600 meter w/ 400 meter recovery

Social: 4 Miles at Tempo

Challenge: 7 Yassos

1 Mile cool-down

Saturday October 13- Riley Street Trails, 7 am

Up Coming Events-

Urban Herd– Every Tuesday at 5:45pm at Gazelle Sports Holland. Come meet other runners from the area and log some miles.

Dirty Herd– Every Sunday at 5pm. The Dirty Herd alternates between Ridge Point Church and Pigeon Creek.

I’ll see you out there running.


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