Summer Safari- Wednesday 9/26

Hello Runners-

Park2Park was not what we had hoped it would be, but through the rain, wind, hail and lightning you all found your strong. You should be very proud of yourselves. Running conditions were not ideal and finishing without an official time is disappointing; know that there is always more races to be ran. Park2Park 2012 most definitely will not be forgotten.

Wednesday September 26– Meet at VanRaalte Farms at 5:45pm

We will be running 16th St. hill Wednesday night. Things to remember when running hills; lean forward from ankles but don’t hunch or curl your upper body, shorter and faster cadence and always treat the downhill with respect.

Saturday September 29- Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run

 Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run is this Saturday. This will be our Saturday group run.  The run will be marked for 10 and 20 miles. There will be full support along the course and a majority of the run will be on the Grand Rapids Marathon course. You can use the discount code SAFARIRUN to receive $10 off of your entry for the preview run. If you wish not to get a shirt, the run will be FREE with the discount code.

Carpooling for Saturday- Facebook is being used currently to coordinate carpooling for Saturday morning.

Upcoming Events-

Tuesday September 25– Injury Wise, 6:30pm at Gazelle Sports Holland

Torn muscles, sprained ankles and shin splints. These are just some  of   the injuries that plague athletes. And when you’re injured, you have    questions  and you want answers. Come to Gazelle Sports and spend ten    minutes one-on-one with a sports medicine professional    to  discuss your specific injury concerns.

These free appointments are taken on a first come first served basis.

October 4- Lole Yoga Meet Up, 6pm

Join us for a yoga class suited to all levels. Enjoy yoga followed by refreshments, prizes and personalized wardrobe shopping afterwards. All Lole appeal will be 20% after yoga class.

I’ll see you out there running!


Summer Safari- Park2Park Week!

Hi Runners,

Great job on Saturday! The cooler weather in the morning is something to get use to, but it is nice to be able to run a few minutes before you start sweating. As it gets colder, remember to dress 20 degrees warmer, don’t wear cotton clothing and dress in layers. Cotton clothing will hold onto moisture, making you colder not warmer.

Half Marathoner’s-

This Saturday is the end of the half marathon group. It has been a great season and you all have done a fabulous job in training.  You are welcome to continue coming to the group workouts on both Wednesdays and Saturdays, there will be a $5 fee at each workout. Please bring exact change to the workouts.

Wednesday September, 19- Meet at VanRaalte Farms at 5:45pm

Half Marathon- 2 x 8 min hill repeats

Marathon- 3 x 8 min hill repeats

Saturday September, 22- Park2Park half marathon

There is no group run this week. I will see you all at Park2Park.

Upcoming Events

Park2Park details –

Parking- The best place to park on Saturday morning is at Waukazoo elementary school. The walk from Waukazoo to Harderwyk Church will serve as a great warm-up before the race.

Meeting Spot- The group will be meeting at 7:45pm at the Gazelle Sports hospitality tent for a group photo. The Gazelle Sports hospitality tent will be along the Anchor building sidewalk; look for the bright green Gazelle Sports tent. It will be best to make sure you check your bag at bag check-in before the group photo.

September 29- Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run

Attention Marathoner’s- I  highly encourage you all to run the Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run on September 29th. The run will be marked for 10 and 20 miles. There will be full support along the course and a majority of the run will be on the Grand Rapids Marathon course. You can use the discount code SAFARIRUN to receive $10 off of your entry for the preview run. If you wish not to get a shirt, the run will be FREE with the discount code. As the date approaches we will be setting up carpooling.

I’ll see you out there running!


Summer Safari- Saturday September, 15

Hi Runners,



Great Job last night on the hills. Half Marathoner’s, only one more week of hills till the big race!

Saturday September, 15- Meet at Dutton Park, 7am


Upcoming Events

September 29- Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run

Attention Marathoner’s- I  highly encourage you all to run the Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run on September 29th. The run will be marked for 10 and 20 miles. There will be full support along the course and a majority of the run will be on the Grand Rapids Marathon course. You can use the discount code SAFARIRUN to receive $10 off of your entry for the preview run. If you wish not to get a shirt, the run will be FREE with the discount code. As the date approaches we will be setting up carpooling.

I’ll see you out there running!


Summer Safari- Wedensday September 12

Hi Runners,

Saturday was one wet run, but the rainbows that were witnessed where well worth it. Great job running. We never know what race day will be like, so running in the rain is always good practice.

Due to my lack of remembering each Monday morning to do the random Saturday drawing each week, this week we have many, many winners from this week and previous weeks.

All winners can pick up their swag bag at the store at any time.

Kelli Laninga

Cindy Sneller

Meagan Gillard

Dan Watson

Marion Claeboe

Melissa Rozema

Wenesday, September 12- Meet at VanRaalte Farms off of 24th St.

This week we will be running the VanRaalte Farms farm-house drive way. Park at the parking lot off of 24th St. We will be running to the 16th St. side for our warm up.

Half Marathon 2×8 min

Marathon 2×12 min

Upcoming Events

Tomorrow September 11 at 6:30pm – Nutrition for Runners

Lexie Timpson is a Registered Dietitian, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, and Certified Diabetes Educator. She has worked for the past 3 years in wellness and diabetes with a strong focus on helping individuals reach their wellness and fitness goals.

  • Discuss calorie needs, how to calculate calorie needs and the increased needs for caloric intake with exercise
  • Talk about different foods to meet your calorie needs
  • What happens when you “Hit the wall”, and ways to avoid “Hitting the Wall”
  • The variety of products that we offer and the good, bad and ugly about each of them (handouts will be provided describing each product ex. GU, Clif bars, what it’s for, calories, carbs, protein, fat, sodium, potassium, and allergen information)

September 29- Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run

Attention Marathoners- I  highly encourage you all to run the Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run on September 29th. The run will be marked for 10 and 20 miles. There will be full support along the course and a majority of the run will be on the Grand Rapids Marathon course. You can use the discount code SAFARIRUN to receive $10 off of your entry for the preview run. If you wish not to get a shirt, the run will be FREE with the discount code. As the date approaches we will be setting up carpooling.

I’ll see you out there running!


Summer Safari- Saturday, September 8

Hi Runners-

What are your thoughts on the Mizuno shoes that Carrie brought to the track last night? I know many of you took the Mizuno’s out for a test run. This summer you have had the opportunity to demo Asics, Sauconey and Mizuno shoes. You may have even discovered a new favorite running shoe from taking advantage of the demo days.

Saturday September 8- Meet at Tunnel Park


Upcoming Events-

September 8- Yoga for Runners

We will begin yoga at 9:30am. The route will be set up early for those that would like to start running early so they can be done in time for yoga.

September 11 at 6:30pm – Nutrition for Runners

Lexie Timpson is a Registered Dietitian, ACE Certified Personal Trainer, and Certified Diabetes Educator. She has worked for the past 3 years in wellness and diabetes with a strong focus on helping individuals reach their wellness and fitness goals. 

  • Discuss calorie needs, how to calculate calorie needs and the increased needs for caloric intake with exercise
  • Talk about different foods to meet your calorie needs
  • What happens when you “Hit the wall”, and ways to avoid “Hitting the Wall”
  • The variety of products that we offer and the good, bad and ugly about each of them (handouts will be provided describing each product ex. GU, Clif bars, what it’s for, calories, carbs, protein, fat, sodium, potassium, and allergen information)

September 29- Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run

Attention Marathoners- I  highly encourage you all to run the Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run on September 29th. The run will be marked for 10 and 20 miles. There will be full support along the course and a majority of the run will be on the Grand Rapids Marathon course. You can use the discount code SAFARIRUN to receive $10 off of your entry for the preview run. If you wish not to get a shirt, the run will be FREE with the discount code. As the date approaches we will be setting up carpooling.

I’ll see you out there running!



Summer Safari- Wednesday September 5

Hi Runners-

We have just completed week number 12 of training WOW. I can’t believe Park2Park is only three weeks away and the Grand Rapids Marathon is only 7 weeks away.  The sadness of Summer Safari ending in 7 weeks is starting to hit me. As much as I look forward to sleeping in on October 27, the thought of not seeing all 77 of you twice a week and coaching you through training is bitter-sweet.

Back in June 2012 you made a goal to train for a long distance race. You committed your summer to training for a long distance race. You made sacrifices in your life to be able to meet with the Summer Safari group on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings and to be able to run through out the week. You probably feel that you have spent more time with your running partner(s) than your own family or non-running friends. You most likely have an appetite that is out of control and a grocery bill that continues to grow. You may have even started talking about your training to co-workers and got a blank and uninterested stare back. These are all clues that you have become a long distance runner.

You have come a long way in the last 12 week. You are all inspirational to those around you. You have run through one of the hottest summers Michigan as ever had. You have given every run all you have in you. You have made my job as a coach fun, enjoyable and memorable.

Thank you for being a great Summer Safari group! Lets enjoy the last weeks of Summer Safari 2012.

Wednesday September 5- Meet at Holland East k-7th Track

HB- 4×800

HS- 3×1200

HC- 4 Yassos (800 meters at projected 1/2 marathon time converted to marathon time)

MB- 3×1200

MS- 3x 1.5 mile

MC- 5 Yassos (800 meters at projected marathon time)

Upcoming Events-

September 8- Yoga for Runners- We will begin yoga at 9:30am. The route will be set up early for those that would like to start running early so they can be done in time for yoga.

September 11- Nutrition for Runners

September 29- Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run

Attention Marathoners- I  highly encourage you all to run the Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run on September 29th. The run will be marked for 10 and 20 miles. There will be full support along the course and a majority of the run will be on the Grand Rapids Marathon course. You can use the discount code SAFARIRUN to receive $10 off of your entry for the preview run. If you wish not to get a shirt, the run will be FREE with the discount code. As the date approaches we will be setting up carpooling.

I’ll see you out there running.


Summer Safari- Saturday September 1

Hi Runners,

There are only 22 more days till Park2Park half marathon. If you are not signed up I encourage you to sign up today. Registration price goes up September 1.

Saturday September 1- Meet at Gazelle Sports at 7am

Meet at the front of the store.

HB- 13L

HS & HC-15L

MB- 18L

MS & MMC- 20 L


Upcoming Events-

September 8- Yoga for Runners

September 11- Nutrition for Runners

September 29- Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run

Attention Marathoners- I  highly encourage you all to run the Grand Rapids Marathon Preview Run on September 29th. The run will be marked for 10 and 20 miles. There will be full support along the course and a majority of the run will be on the Grand Rapids Marathon course. You can use the discount code SAFARIRUN to receive $10 off of your entry for the preview run. If you wish not to get a shirt, the run will be FREE with the discount code. As the date approaches we will be setting up carpooling.

We all have possibilities we don’t know about. We can do things we don’t even dream we can do. ~ Dale Carnegie

I’ll see you out there running!


Summer Safari- Wednesday August 29

Hi Runners,

I hope you all had a great weekend. Great job this weekend on the running front. It seems to be that the run on Saturday went well and you all had fun. I was camping all weekend in Pentwater and ventured up to the North Country Trail Run on Saturday morning to spectate the race and WOW what a tough race it is! Congratulations to everyone who ran North Country Trail Run!

Congratulations to Eddie on finishing his first half Ironman! What a great accomplishment and experience.

Wednesday, August 29 5:45pm– Holland East k-7th Track

HB- 3×800 with 400 m recovery

HS- 2 x 2 mile tempo with 400 m recovery

HC- 2 x 2 mile tempo with 400 m recovery

MB- 2 x 1200 with 400 m recovery

MS- 4 x 1 mile tempo with 400 m recovery

MC- 4 Yassos

A Yasso is 800 meters at your projected marathon finish time with the same amount between sets

*Everyone does a 1 mile warm up and cool down

Upcoming Events-

Tuesday, August 28 Injury Wise– 6:30-8 pm at Gazelle Sports presented by SIMIO Physical Therapy

Torn muscles, sprained ankles and shin splints. These are just some of the injuries that plague athletes. And when you’re injured, you have questions and you want answers. Come to Gazelle Sports and spend ten  minutes one-on-one with a sports medicine professional to discuss your specific injury concerns.

Wednesday, August 29 Asics Beer Run

Following the track workout on Wednesday we will be heading to a local establishment with Neal from Asics to enjoy a cold beer together. Please invite friends to join us at the track for the run and fun after the run.

Saturday, September 8– Yoga for Runners

I’ll see you out there running!


Summer Safari- Saturday August 25

Hi Runners,

Great running last night on the track! It is evident that you are all becoming much more comfortable with track workouts and are becoming stronger runners through the process.

I want to wish everyone who is doing North Country Trail half and full marathon this weekend, good luck! Enjoy the experience and have fun!

Be sure to wish Team Leader Eddie the best for his half Ironman on Sunday morning.

Saturday, August 25- Meet at Winstrom Preserve at 7am


Upcoming Events-

Monday, August 27 Sunset Yoga on the Beach  7pm at Tunnel Park

Yoga is instructed by Aleksandra Schab- Certified Yoga Instructor. Practice yoga with one of the most beautiful views on Lake Michigan. Practice at a level for those who are new as well as those who are familiar with traditional yoga asanas (poses). Increase your sense of balance, build strength and endurance, increase concentration and flexibility all by experiencing fast paced flow, forward bends, inversions, twists, backbends and balancing poses. This class will reduce the physical and emotional effects of stress and anxiety. You will feel energized and deeply relaxed at the same time! We will work on connecting with your breath and mind. You will leave this class with a more positive outlook of the world.

Free Parking across the street on Perry St. First class is free- next one is only $5. Meet on top of the dune on the south side.

Tuesday, August 28 Injury Wise– 6:30-8 pm at Gazelle Sports presented by SIMIO Physical Therapy

Torn muscles, sprained ankles and shin splints. These are just some of the injuries that plague athletes. And when you’re injured, you have questions and you want answers. Come to Gazelle Sports and spend ten  minutes one-on-one with a sports medicine professional to discuss your specific injury concerns.

Wednesday, August 29 Asics Beer Run

Following the track workout on Wednesday we will be heading to a local establishment with Neal from Asics to enjoy a cold beer together. Please invite friends to join us at the track for the run and fun after the run.

Saturday, September 8– Yoga for Runners

More detailed information to come.

I’ll see you out there running



Summer Safari- Week 11 Wednesday August 22

Hi Runners,

This weekend was perfect to get some running in; great temperatures, good company and goal races that are about a month away. The conversations that are happening on Facebook are great! Chaffing, black toe nails and encouragement are normal running discussions and we can all learn from each other.

Wednesday August 22- Meet at Holland East k-7th School Track (373 East 24th St. 49423)

*The construction at East k-7th is almost complete. We should have no problems with parking and having access to the track. The east drive way is open. Please do not park in the grass near the track.

HB: 4×800 w/ 400 meter recovery

HS: 4×1200 w/ 400 meter recovery

HC: 2×2 mile TI

MB: 4x 800 w/ 400 meter recovery

MS: 4 x 1200 w/ 400 meter recovery

MC: 4 miles TI w/ 400 meter recovery

Upcoming Events:

Tuesday August, 21- Grand Rapids Marathon Beer Run at The Curragh in Holland

I’ll see you out there running!
